-Met with Inspections/Code Reinforcement to obtain a more cooperative relationship with them and negotiate assistance for funding to help vandalized building owners with clean-up. Coordinated meetings with police and the DTA to address this issue. Ultimately achieved agreement by City to remove graffiti with no expense to building owner.
Developed a partnership with police to address downtown security, panhandling, noise issues and scheduled regular, informal meetings with police to address Downtown concerns.
Intervened with City to delay changes in distance requirements for bars and nightclubs to allow more input from Downtown stakeholders before making any such changes. Proposed changes, which would have allowed a marked increase in number of bars and nightclubs, were on the agenda for a city council vote but city staff was persuaded by the Alliance to withdraw them.
Accepted the responsibility of conducting 4th Friday activities after that role was relinquished by the Arts Council. Hired a coordinator to help manage a themed event every month. Persuaded City to reopen Hay Street for 4th Fridays, after its closure resulted in a proliferation of non-arts vendors and poor attendance.
Coordinated the Field of Honor for the 5th year in a row. The DTA initiated this project and it has become a hugely popular community event honoring our military.
Facilitated the Zombie Walk for the sponsoring organization to make this a successful event.
Conducted a Downtown Trick or Treat for the community and solicited sponsors to help offset the cost of the candy in order to decrease costs for individual merchants.
Conducted horse-drawn carriage rides, which attracts a segment of the population who do not normally visit Downtown, so that they will be exposed to its offerings.
Organized a system of “block captains” to help distribute information to members and to provide a convenient means of feedback on Downtown issues.
Hired a marketing coordinator to promote Alliance businesses, to create a visible presence in the community, and to help create a new, more attractive and helpful website
Scheduled regular meetings between Alliance president and Downtown manager, and between president and Community Development Director.
Paid parking- Gathered petition signatures in person and online. Had numerous meetings with the city manager, staff, and the mayor. Presented our case against the paid proposal and though paid parking will be put into place sometime in the future, we successfully had Saturdays removed from the paid schedule.
Created a monthly forum for member businesses to listen to their concerns- Wine and Whine
Hired a well respected social media consultant, Betsy McElwee, who manages and coordinates Alliance social media including the Member Spotlights that are posted each week.
Coordinated holiday and event promotions aimed to bring business downtown and pay for social media marketing.
Partnered with CCSD on events and initiatives- Clueville, 4th Fridays, Dickens Holiday
Field of Honor – We are a sponsor of the Field and recognize every business member owner.
Pre-Covid – Brought local speakers to meetings to speak on matters that affect our businesses during the monthly business meeting. Invited Police Department Safety Specialists and Republic Parking service representatives for communication directly with membership
Sought better solutions against aggressive panhandling.
Post Covid Closures- Advocated to City Council on paid parking and accessibility issues. Joined with CSDD as one voice to work on curbside pick-up and marketing. Partnered to create a downtown-wide Yiftee gift card program (if your business hasn’t signed up- it’s free and easy- contact lauren@coolspringfay.org.)