9th Annual Midsummer Magic
Step into the enchanting realm of the 9th Annual Midsummer Magic in Downtown Fayetteville! Embark on a mystical 2-day Fairy Door Scavenger Hunt & Quest, where ethereal adventures await amidst the labyrinth of downtown treasures. Witness the magical llama corns, partake in the special Midsummer-themed farmers market, and revel in the nocturnal Midsummer Craw on Friday evening. Delight in costume contests fit for fantastical beings, both mortal and magical, as you embody fairies, gnomes, dragons, and other mythical creatures.
While there is no admission fee, some activities and specials will have a cost.
Promotion dates are as follows:
Friday, July 12th – 1 pm-6 pm
Midsummer Crawl (18+) Friday, July 12th – 6pm-9pm
Saturday, July 13th from 11 am-6 pm
Friday, July 12th – 1 pm-6 pm
Midsummer Crawl (18+) Friday, July 12th – 6pm-9pm
Saturday, July 13th from 11 am-6 pm
So how does it work?
There is no start time, show up whenever you wish between 1 pm and 6 pm on Friday, July 12th. Find your Fairy Journal containing a map that the downtown fairies made with the Fairy Door Scavenger Hunt and Quest instructions at participating downtown businesses and online soon!
This map will also contain all the themed promotions and activities at downtown businesses. Friday at 6 pm, the Midsummer Magic Crawl (18+) will begin, and participating downtown businesses will have special drink features on the menu.
Midsummer crawlers will also have the opportunity to enter the costume contest by stopping by Turner Lane at 242A Hay Street. On Saturday, July 13th the fun continues from 11 am to 6 pm. Enjoy a visit with the llama corns, stroll the farmers market and downtown shops, and continue on your Fairy Door Hunt and Quest. All entries must be turned in By 6 pm on July 13th to be eligible to win prizes. Prizes will be awarded to three groups who return the Quest form and have all correct answers.
This year we are adding a costume contest station to be hosted by our Midsummer Magic chair, Turner Lane. Magical creatures can stop by Turner Lane during the promotion hours and hashtag their picture #MidsummerMagicFayNC at the costume contest station to officially be entered to win prizes in the costume contest.
Contest Categories: Downtown Business, Kids 0-4, Kids 5-10, Kids 12-17, Adult, Group and Best Dog.
We will have coloring pages available for download soon. Return your coloring page to select participating businesses the week leading up to Midsummer Magic to receive a bonus entry in the Fairy Door Scavenger Hunt and Quest drawing.
We hope that you will join us for this two-day promotion crafted to beckon visitors to our vibrant downtown businesses, all amidst the enchantment of midsummer’s spellbinding allure.
If you are interested in sponsoring or becoming a volunteer for Midsummer Magic, please email us at shopdowntownfaync@gmail.com.